Posted by: pexxy | April 30, 2009

Me so tired

Just a pictures update. ^^ Collecting my shills stuff tomorrow!

Skin care I’ve been using. All from gmarket! Love the glow base sun guard, its just a highlighter and sun protection in one, and I use it all over my face to look like a bling ball, but after I use bbcream it just gives a glow.
The dark circle eye cream STICK actually goes on smoothly ๐Ÿ™‚ I love it.
Stuff from VOV Showcase, its KIND-OF a new line, but they came up with another one with Shinae as the spokesperson, it’s called no more complex or something and looks nice and scientific. VOV Showcase is more of a girly line. (And there has been a heck load of mud slinging among the Seeya girls. I am NOT on Gyuri’s side, man she seems like a total bitch. Maybe VOV will OFF herrr).

I’m SO tired nowadays. Currently interning at a government law department kinda, and my working hours are 8.30-7. I get home by 8 and spend a bit of time online till 11, and its off to a nights sleep. I HAVE NO LIFE. OMG. It’s worse than being a law student.

Oops, ranting a little. Anyway will post pictures (and maybe short comments) on the shills stuff soon!


  1. Great haul~ (:

    How are the cleansers working out for you? I’ve been eyeing the Green Tea version. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    • Thanks! The cleansers are slightly drying but good on the whole.

  2. hey is it possible to help me get some stuffs from gmarket if u’re buying anything?

    • Erm, I’m not sure, I don’t reallydo sprees for others…

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